
[VisuWorkspace] when switching tab position, settings are not updated accordingly

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From a bug found originally by @paulineMig on our music fork. The bug is also seen in medInria. In order to test, you can in Visualization :

  • open CT_mouse from medInria-data in a tab
  • create a new tab and open SPECT_mouse from medInria-data
  • the first tab (CT) has a min/max intensity of 0/3000
  • the second tab (mouse) has a min/max intensity of 0/255
  • switch the tabs (like you would do with firefox tabs for instance) -> the settings do not change. It's still 0/3000 for the first one, and 0/255 for the second tab, but the images changed.

Original message:

-open 2 views in workspace visualization => visualization = heart and visualization 1 = torso
-switch visualization tab with visualization 1 tab => visualization becomes torso and visualization 1 becomes heart
->View settings and Layer settings will not switch => we will now have visualization = torso but with View and Layer settings from heart and vice versa