
2D Flash ActionScript Game Engine

Primary LanguageActionScript

The Citrus Engine is a professional-grade, scalable Flash game engine built for industry-quality games. It is built upon modern Flash programming practices, allowing you to focus on making your game awesome! It comes built-in with a "platformer" starter-kit, which you can use to easily make awesome 2D sidescrolling games.

The Citrus Engine is not only made for 2D platformer games, but for all type of 2D games. It offers a nice way to separate logic/physics from art.

It offers many options, you may use :

  • the classic flash display list, or blitting or Stage3D thanks to Starling.
  • Box2D, or Nape or a Simple math based collision detection.
  • a simple way to manage object creation, and for advanced developers : an entity/component system and object pooling.
  • a LevelManager and LoadManager which may use Flash Pro as a level editor.


Kinessia MarcoPoloWeltrennen Tibi

Project Setup

  • bin : pictures, animations, levels, ... loaded at runtime.
  • embed : embedded assets (e.g. fonts, pictures, texture atlas, ...).
  • fla : two levels used in the box2dstarling demo, and two animate characters in two versions one for SpriteArt and one for StarlingArt thanks to the DynamicTextureAtlas class (loaded at runtime).
  • libs : all the libs used, included the Citrus Engine. Select just one Nape swc.
  • src : different demos ready to use! You just need to copy & paste the Main from the package you want into the src/Main.as and the demo will run. Be careful with package & import.