- This is an improvement of the Animal Hospital System project.
- RESTful API to access information about an Animal Hospital System, you're able to execute the following commands:
- GET - Request information of the animal owners records (all or single).
- POST - Register a new record, this must follow a JSON syntax.
- DELETE - Send a request to remove an animal owner's record.
- PUT - Used to update a field in a record already registered.
Built with:
- Java
- Maven
- Spring Boot
- This will return information from all the records or specific information based on and id.
- Get all records:
curl -v http://localhost:8080/owners | json_pp
"animalOwnerRecordList" : [ { "_links" : { "owners" : { "href" : "http://localhost:8080/owners" }, "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:8080/owners/1" } }, "firstName" : "Gabriel", "id" : 1, "lastName" : "Mediotti", "name" : "Gabriel Mediotti", "petName" : "Lola", "phoneNumber" : "11999999999" }, { "_links" : { "owners" : { "href" : "http://localhost:8080/owners" }, "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:8080/owners/2" } }, "firstName" : "Giulia", "id" : 2, "lastName" : "Pugliesi", "name" : "Giulia Pugliesi", "petName" : "Luna", "phoneNumber" : "11999999999" }
- Get single records
curl -v http://localhost:8080/owners/1 | json_pp
"animalOwnerRecordList" : [ { "_links" : { "owners" : { "href" : "http://localhost:8080/owners" }, "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:8080/owners/1" } }, "firstName" : "Gabriel", "id" : 1, "lastName" : "Mediotti", "name" : "Gabriel Mediotti", "petName" : "Lola", "phoneNumber" : "11999999999" }
- This will return information from all the records or specific information based on and id.
- This will create a new record in the Database
- To request this operation, you should execute the following command in terminal, replacing the "INSERT" fields with the required data to be inserted in the Database:
curl -v -X POST localhost:8080/owners -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"firstName": "INSERT_FIRST_NAME", "lastName": "INSERT_LAST_NAME", "phoneNumber": "INSERT_PHONE_NUMBER", "petName": "INSERT_PET_NAME"}'
- The commands follows the JSON syntax below:
{"firstName": "INSERT_FIRST_NAME", "lastName": "INSERT_LAST_NAME", "phoneNumber": "INSERT_PHONE_NUMBER", "petName": "INSERT_PET_NAME"}
- To request this operation, you should execute the following command in terminal, replacing the "INSERT" fields with the required data to be inserted in the Database:
- This will create a new record in the Database
- This will delete a specific record, to execute the command, you should specify an id to indicate which record will be deleted.
curl -v -X DELETE localhost:8080/owners/*id*
- This will delete a specific record, to execute the command, you should specify an id to indicate which record will be deleted.
- This will update a record field.
- OBS: You're only able to update the whole record, to not lost the previous data, fill all the fields when updating it.
curl -v -X PUT localhost:8080/owners -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"firstName": "INSERT_FIRST_NAME", "lastName": "INSERT_LAST_NAME", "phoneNumber": "INSERT_PHONE_NUMBER", "petName": "INSERT_PET_NAME"}'
- This follows the same POST JSON syntax.
- This will update a record field.