
focustOut not display error message

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,
Thanks so much for your package it's like reborn react-credit-card-input.
All validation and event work clearly right. But still, one issue (maybe only mine) left, here is description:

  1. Fill card inputs and required fields. Validation for button works properly.

  2. An error message displays only if I again put a focus on any input card field (step 1) and click out of fields (step 2).


jxom commented


Can you please copy and paste a snippet of your code here? I’m not sure how you are able to enter 33/33 into the expiry since the library should restrict that on input.

You can manually focus on the month field and change it.
Also, if you use tabs through the form (which contains other input fields) and there is no error message too.