
Formatting not working after the value prop is added

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Just as described in the redme, placed the event handler inside the getter props but formatting is not applied.

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { usePaymentInputs } from "react-payment-inputs";

export default function PaymentInputs() {
  const [number, setNumber] = useState("");
  const [expiry, setExpiry] = useState("");
  const [cvc, setCvc] = useState("");

  const {
  } = usePaymentInputs();

  return (
            onChange: e => setNumber(
            onChange: e => setExpiry(
          {...getCVCProps({ onChange: e => setCvc( })}
      {meta.isTouched && meta.error && <div>Error: {meta.error}</div>}
      <button>place order</button>

what am i doing wrong?

I have the same issue. I see that in the package there is utils/formatter/formatCardNumber but I cannot import it. Can this function be made public?

The onChange prop is simply forwarded as shown below. The formatted value is set directly to the element. Perhaps a new prop onFormattedValue(value) would be useful

const handleChangeExpiryDate = React.useCallback(
(props = {}) => {
return e => {
setInputTouched('expiryDate', false);
props.onChange && props.onChange(e);
onChange && onChange(e);
expiryDateField.current.value = utils.formatter.formatExpiry(e);

expiryDate is formatted correctly, the only problem is with cardNumber

I've fixed it by copying the formatCardNumber code into my project, and then using it when passing down the value.

        value={formatCardNumber(cardNumber || "")}

Also another bug is that this function requires sting, null or undefined will raise an exception.

jxom commented

Should be fixed in 1.0.7. Let me know how it goes!

Both issues are indeed resolved, thanks :)