
_Map<String, String>: {error: DioException [connection timeout]: The request connection took longer than 0:00:30.000000...

sentry-io opened this issue · 0 comments

Sentry Issue: MEDITO-4V4

_Map<String, String>: {error: DioException [connection timeout]: The request connection took longer than 0:00:30.000000 and it was aborted. To get rid of this exception, try raising the RequestOptions.connectTimeout above the duration of 0:00:30.000000 or improve the response time of the server., endpoint: search, response: null, serverMessage: The request connection took longer than 0:00:30.000000 and it was aborted. To get rid of this exception, try raising the RequestOptions.connectTimeout above the duration of 0:00:30.000000 or improve the response time of the server.}
  File "dio_mixin.dart", line 348, in DioMixin.request
  File "dio_mixin.dart", line 99, in
  File "dio_api_service.dart", line 119, in DioApiService.postRequest
  File "explore_repository.dart", line 20, in ExploreRepositoryImpl.fetchExploreResult
  File "explore_provider.dart", line 14, in explore
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