
Generate ContextTermcode to Criteria Set as Json

juliangruendner opened this issue · 0 comments

The ontology generation should be extended to generate a json file, which contains all the criteriaSets relevant for the fdpg+ ontology.

These are the criteriaSets currently referenced in the ui_profile for referencedCriteria -> attribute = referenceCriteriaSet

The file should look as follows:

    "criteriaSetUrl": [
            "termcode": {
                "code": "123-rand-code",
                "display": "Display termcode",
                "system": "http://system/url",
                "version": "xx"
            "context": {
                "code": "123-rand-code-context",
                "display": "Display context",
                "system": "http://system/url",
                "version": "xx"
    "http://fdpg.mii.cds/CriteriaSet/Diagnose/icd-10-gm": [
            "termcode": {
                "code": "M14.04",
                "display": "Gicht-Arthropathie durch Enzymdefekte und sonstige angeborene Krankheiten: Hand [Finger, Handwurzel, Mittelhand, Gelenke zwischen diesen Knochen]",
                "system": "",
                "version": "2024"
            "context": {
                "code": "Diagnose",
                "display": "Diagnose",
                "system": "fdpg.mii.cds",
                "version": "1.0.0"
            "termcode": {
                "code": "S51.88",
                "display": "Weichteilschaden II. Grades bei offener Fraktur oder Luxation des Unterarmes",
                "system": "",
                "version": "2024"
            "context": {
                "code": "Diagnose",
                "display": "Diagnose",
                "system": "fdpg.mii.cds",
                "version": "1.0.0"