
ui profile not generated for linked criterion

juliangruendner opened this issue · 0 comments

When specifying an ontology for a module with linked criteria from another module the ui_profile for the linked criterion is not generated.

When specifying an ontology with linked criteria the ui_profile for the linked criterion should be generated.

The ontology for module Bioprobe specifies a diagnoses from the diagnose module.
It then generates the criteria set for the linked criterion, but does not generate the ui_profile.

This leads to a "R__Load_latest_ui_profile.sql" where the the ui_profile_id for the linked criteria is empty
COPY public.contextualized_termcode (context_termcode_hash, context_id, termcode_id, mapping_id, ui_profile_id) FROM stdin;

374c7f88-a37d-3506-a6bb-997770b6cbd3 2 17211 \N \N

and the ui_profile for the diagnose is missing from

COPY public.ui_profile (id, name, ui_profile) FROM stdin;

where it should actually include the ui_profile from the diagnose module:
1 Diagnose {\n "attributeDefinitions": [],\n "name": "Diagnose",\n "timeRestrictionAllowed": true,\n "valueDefinition": null\n}