
Remove unnecessary null pointer checks

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Yes, I know that :-). But there is a lot of legacy code in nui that I need to revisit and fix ;-). Feel free to send pull requests though!

When will corresponding software licences be published?

What do you mean? I'm the original author of 99% of the code in nui except the libs that are in the deps folder (I kept their original licenses in their respective folders). When I write legacy I mean "old code that are more than 10 years old" and that I need to fix/rewrite. Everything that is not in the deps folder is under the GPL, but I am considering a move to a more permissive license in the future.

Thanks for this clarification. I wonder about the status of the file "LICENCE.TXT" which is referenced by other source files.

Oh right, damn, I was pretty sure the GPL v2 or v3 was in that file. I'll fix this right away, even though the MPL or BSDL might end up there in the future.

Ok, I had pretty much made my mind about it so I changed the licence to MPL 2.0 and LICENCE.TXT now reflects that: 7cc8d9a

Thanks for the heads-up!