- SnailslugNorth Kansas City, Mo
- daroncoPorto Alegre, Brazil
- meshulaBrigadoon
- sleyzerzon
- krazylek
- kejaceNYC / LA and in between
- PragTobBerlin
- ozanorhanAnkara
- nathanathan
- craftoid
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- dineshkummarcNew Delhi, India
- tsatse
- julescarbon
- redtuxLaniakea
- Brakus
- HowardMeiSingapore
- floydwchTaipei, Taiwan
- okofishSeoul, South Korea
- ndrluisBelo Horizonte, MG - Brazil
- shamansirMunich, Germany
- timb"da net"
- jbulowGlumslöv
- hydnhntr
- morenoh149New York, NY
- piatraBerlin
- fabianmuBerlin, Germany
- noosphere2
- aheilbutNew York, NY
- kaosbeatGhent
- dongzhi
- kai-qu
- tomhodginsToronto, Canada
- fish2000Baltimore, MD
- aribnCalifornia
- reduxionistBangkok, Thailand