
Connsole Debug mode, Logging and Dashboard Alerts

sol1-matt opened this issue · 1 comments

Console Output
Default Console Output should be system friendly. This means fairly lightweight so if the console output is captured by syslog it isn't filled up with massive amounts of data.

Add config option for debug mode (DEBUG_CONSOLE) which will increase output to the console to include api call's to Icinga and other future useful information.

Log Files
Looking into meerkat specific logging, would need to have setup rotating logs and different levels for the console and logfiles.

  • /var/log/meerkat/meerkat.log Default meerkat log, possible option in settings for LOG_LEVEL to control the level of log info.
  • /var/log/meerkat/icinga_api.log FIFO short lived, 2hr, log of all api calls to Icinga. Perhaps format

Dashboards are the interface for users, if the backend can't speak to Icinga or the dashboard stream isn't receiving data a alert should appear on the dashboard so users know it isn't displaying the current information. If this situation resolves then the alert should disappear without user interaction.

A heartbeat on the dashboards stream would be a good way to ensure it is alive, eg: ping from server ever 5 seconds and alert if stream has no pings for 10 seconds.

This is so only dump everything to console when explicitly asked in case system logging is picking up the console output of the service and putting it somewhere like syslog.