how to use group.next_event
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VirgilHilts commented
insists on a numeric id. Yet most of my groups have non-numeric fields for next_event. For example:
>>> g=client.GetGroup({'urlname': 'MilSpouseCoders-NOVA-Northern-Virginia'})
29/30 (10 seconds remaining)
>>> g
<meetup.api.MeetupObject object at 0x7ff2390657d0>
>>> g.__dict__
'next_event': {u'id': **u'ckgxmpyxhbkb**',
u'name': u'MilSpouseCoders Evening Code Edition!',
u'time': 1525734000000,
u'utc_offset': -14400000,
u'yes_rsvp_count': 6},
>>> e=client.GetEvent({'id': 'ckgxmpyxhbkb'})
29/30 (10 seconds remaining)
>>> e
<meetup.api.MeetupObject object at 0x7ff2390a7850>
>>> pprint.PrettyPrinter().pprint(e.__dict__)
{'code': u'invalid_param',
**'details': u"Value for 'id' is invalid: All values must be integers"**,
'problem': u'An invalid parameter value was requested'}
So how can I get details on the next_event for a Group, if the id doesn't work for GetEvent() ?