
Recovering symbols for the game Syndicate Wars by Bullfrog.


This repository contains binaries and symbols related to Syndicate Wars.

The purpose of gathering these is to name functions and global variables in the assemby blob within Syndicate Wars Port.


  • bin folder contains executable files useful for the symbol recovery.

  • symbols folder contains the symbols, in a format which is not dependent on any specific RE tool. In particular, these files can be used both with IDA Pro and with Ghidra.


Several binaries from Bullfrog are included. Some have debug symbols embedded in the EXE, some have additional debug messages within code.

There is also a modified version of wdump.exe which allows extracting debug info from binaries built with Watcom C++ compiler.


Symbols are included in two formats:

  • map format is a very simple, basic format, based on log files generated by Microsoft compilers (though other compilers today have an option to generate MAP file as well). It is very easy to read and load into any disassembler; to load it into Ida Pro, use ida-pro-loadmap plugin.

  • xml format is developed for more complex sharing of symbols between Ida Pro and Ghidra. Use Ghidra IDAPro Extensions to load them into any of these tools.