
欧路词典 获取不到单词了~

Closed this issue · 1 comments

可登录,并看到单词本的分类,但是,点ok 就获取不了
从Anki 2.1.6 一直退到 anki 2.1.49 依然不能用

[20/03/2023 08:05:52][ INFO] -- 检查新版本 - (dict2Anki.workers.UpdateCheckWorker)
[20/03/2023 08:05:53][ INFO] -- 当前为最新版本:v6.1.6 - (dict2Anki.workers.UpdateCheckWorker)
[20/03/2023 08:06:02][ INFO] -- 当前设置:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 0, 'selectedGroup': [['全部生词本'], []], 'deck': '复试-英语-B', 'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******, 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:02][ INFO] -- 保存配置项:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 0, 'selectedGroup': [['全部生词本'], []], 'deck': '复试-英语-B', 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True, 'credential': [{'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}, {'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}]} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:03][ INFO] -- Cookie有效 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:03][ INFO] -- 当前设置:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 0, 'selectedGroup': [['全部生词本'], []], 'deck': '复试-英语-B', 'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******, 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:03][ INFO] -- 保存配置项:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 0, 'selectedGroup': [['全部生词本'], []], 'deck': '复试-英语-B', 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True, 'credential': [{'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}, {'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}]} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:04][ INFO] -- Cookie有效 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:04][ INFO] -- 单词本分组:[('全部生词本', '-1'), ('复试--词句', '1668332892'), ('写作收集 精背', '1668332878'), ('初试--词句', '0'), ('备用', '1666400554'), ('作文频3+', '133108738044973397'), ('作文频2', '133108739080916680'), ('作文频1', '133108740552139893')] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:06][ INFO] -- 选中单词本['全部生词本'] - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:07][ INFO] -- 该分组(全部生词本--1)下共有18页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:07][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:1页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:07][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:2页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:07][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:3页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:08][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:08][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:4页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:08][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:08][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:5页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:08][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:08][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:6页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:08][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:08][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:7页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:08][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:08][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:8页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:09][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:09][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:9页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:09][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:09][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:10页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:09][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:09][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:11页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:09][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:09][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:12页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:09][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:09][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:13页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:09][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:09][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:14页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:09][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:09][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:15页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:10][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:10][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:16页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:10][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:10][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:17页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:10][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:10][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:18页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:10][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:10][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:10][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:10][ INFO] -- 本地: {'otherrace effect ', ' experiment of open window', 'retroactive inhibition ', 'halo effect ', 'instructional strategy ', 'bystander effect ', 'insight learning ', 'stochastic variable ', 'Broadbent filter theory', 'Group difference ', 'melatonin', 'error of type II ', ' response variable', 'ttest t', 'median ', 'random sampling ', 'fictional', 'fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging', 'global response ', 'even those who are well versed in psychological disorders like depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia may have a shallow understanding of personality disorders, which can contribute to the stigmas that are attached to them.', 'selfesteem ', 'Parameter estimation ', ' signal detection', 'lie detector ', 'local response ', 'when something good comes into your life, is your first instinct to be suspicious of it?', ' frequency method', 'random ', ' method of expression', 'subliminal perception ', 'Mental Accounting ', 'formerly', 'cocktail effect ', 'sensorimotor stage', 'halo', ' Latin square design', 'fetal stage ', 'Normal curve ', 'neuronal loop ', 'accident error', ' subject variable', ' likelihood ratio', 'trialanderror learning ', 'anticipation error', 'alternative hypothesis', 'intentional learning ', ' choice reaction time', "do you pretend that everything's good, when it really isn't?", 'stereotype ', 'divided attention ', ' standard stimulus', ' quasiexperiment', 'shallow understanding', 'interpersonal attraction ', 'public distance ', 'paranoid personality disorder', 'The Gaslight Effect ', 'interval of uncertainty', 'ascending series', ' method of adjustment', 'Standard deviation ', 'identification ', 'Prosocial behavior ', 'lowball strategy ', 'systematic error ', ' equal interval variable', 'version', 'germinal stage ', 'descending series', 'PET positron emission tomography', 'Standard normal distribution ', 'schizophrenia', 'ShiffrinSchneider ', 'shrank', 'positive transfer ', 'consciousness ', 'micro teaching ', 'Rapid Serial Visual Presentation', ' fractionation method', 'impression method', ' discriminative reaction time', 'self determination theory ', ' betweengroup design', 'Regression coefficient ', 'shallow', 'criteria', 'concrete operational stage', 'repressing', 'eccentric', 'Analysis of variance variance analysis', ' observational method', 'the dsm sets our criteria for 10 personality disorders and these disorders are grouped into three clusters or categories.', 'Handson Inquiry Based Learning', 'data driven processing ', 'threshold', 'perceptual habit ', 'instinct', 'signal detection theory', 'EEG electroencephalogram', 'controlled variable', 'experimental design', 'interpersonal relation ', ' extraneous variable ', 'group cohesiveness ', 'hallucinogen ', 'orientation ', 'perceptual set ', 'academic motivation ', 'depressant ', 'lower limit', ' proximal stimulus', 'serial', ' method of abstract analysis', 'altruism ', 'attentional blink ', 'detection ', 'and while psychopathy falls under a particular personality disorder— antisocial personality disorder', 'exposure effect ', ' natural experiment', 'attached', 'cognitive capacity ', 'discrimination ', 'teachercentered approach ', ' isosensitivity curve', 'antisocial personality disorder', 'consolidation ', 'learning theory ', 'sick', 'intimate distance ', 'Bar chart ', 'verbal report', 'independent group design', ' CGcontrol group', 'chisguare2test ', 'perception ', ' anticipation method', 'rapid eye movement sleep REM', 'procedural knowledge ', 'Cross sectional design ', ' response', 'control', ' EGexperimental group', 'primacy effect ', ' method of equal interval', 'cartogram statistical induction ', 'declarative knowledge ', 'retrieval clue', 'group polarization effect ', 'selfobservation', ' matchedgroup design', ' simple reaction time', ' verbal report', 'mean ', 'tdistribution t', 'bless', 'reverberatory circuit ', 'these unhealthy traits can cause significant problems and limitations in relationships, social activities, work, school, and other situations.', 'negative priming ', 'teaching strategy ', 'learning by discovery ', ' forcedchoice method', 'accumulated frequency', 'psychology', 'method of constant stimulus', 'inattention blindness ', 'visual search ', 'Confidence level ', 'Test of independence ', 'versed', 'a quick crash course', 'selective attention ', 'biological rhythm', 'bottomup processing ', ' double blind experiment', ' method of minimal change', 'attention ', 'global precedence ', 'RTreaction time', 'imitative learning ', 'webbased instruction ', ' ROC curvereceiver operating characteristic curve', 'Horizontal study ', ' internal noise', ' signaltonoise distribution', 'Inferiority statistics ', 'attribution', 'unconsciousness ', 'absolute value', 'questionnaire', 'fantasy ', 'schizotypal personality disorder', 'schizoid personality disorder', 'MEGmagnetoencephalography', 'inhibition of return ', 'Skips threshold effect/ Foot In The Door Effect ', 'Black Swan Events ', 'controlled processing ', 'Rectangular histogram ', ' limit method', 'snowball effect ', ' stimulus variable', ' lower difference threshold', 'mode ', 'selfconcept ', 'learning transfer
transfer of learning ', 'JohnstonHeinz', 'topown processing ', 'cohesiveness', ' interview method', ' hit', 'pedagogics ', 'LTPlongterm potentiation', 'Scatter plot ', 'embryonic stage ', 'mixed design', 'reticular formation ', 'anterograde amnesia ', 'intentional', 'automatic processing ', ' yesno method', 'twofactor analysis of variance ', 'primacy impression ', 'random variable ', ' method of magnitude estimation', 'false alarm', ' simulation method', 'error of type I ', 'suspicious', 'Treisman attenuation theory', ' differential limen method', 'random error ', 'falls under', 'Coefficient of correlationcorrelation coefficient ', 'Longitudinal study ', 'Sampling distribution ', 'negative transfer ', ' selection time', 'psychopath', 'modality effect ', 'pouring in process in instruction ', 'sleep spindle ', 'orientating reflex ', 'stimulant ', 'teaching introductory psychology is one of the great- est challenges facing any academic psychologist.', 'preoperational stage ', 'correct rejection', 'reception learning ', 'serial position effect', 'Hypothesis testing ', ' biographical method', 'Histogram ', 'Confidence interval fiducial interval ', 'slow wave sleep ', 'rote learning ', 'interpersonal conflict ', 'the curve of forgetting Ebbinghaus', 'NIRSnear infrared spectroscopy', 'plateau phenomenon ', 'exceed', 'rigid', 'outstanding', 'affirmative judgement', ' ordinal variable', 'fundamental attribution error ', 'upper difference threshold', 'random group design', 'stigma', 'ranking method', 'pretend', 'Arithmetic mean ', 'Homogeneity of variance ', 'insomnia ', 'proactive inhibition ', ' withingroup design', 'group decision making ', ' independent variable', 'innate', 'sustained attention ', 'psychoactive ', 'limbic system', 'Interval estimation ', 'Asch Experiment conformity herd ', 'Standard error ', 'daydream ', 'attribution bias ', 'observational learning', 'coefficient of variability coefficient of variation variation coefficient ', 'random sample ', 'perceptual constancy ', 'psychopathy', 'formal operational stage', ' response bias', 'type error '} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:10][ INFO] -- 远程: set() - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:10][ INFO] -- 待查: set() - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:10][ INFO] -- 待删: {' experiment of open window', 'bystander effect ', 'Broadbent filter theory', ' response variable', 'median ', 'fictional', ' signal detection', ' Latin square design', 'formerly', 'fetal stage ', 'Normal curve ', 'neuronal loop ', 'accident error', ' subject variable', ' likelihood ratio', 'trialanderror learning ', 'intentional learning ', ' choice reaction time', "do you pretend that everything's good, when it really isn't?", 'stereotype ', 'Standard deviation ', 'shallow understanding', 'interpersonal attraction ', 'public distance ', 'paranoid personality disorder', 'lowball strategy ', 'descending series', 'PET positron emission tomography', 'schizophrenia', 'shrank', 'consciousness ', 'Rapid Serial Visual Presentation', 'micro teaching ', ' discriminative reaction time', 'self determination theory ', 'shallow', 'concrete operational stage', 'Analysis of variance variance analysis', 'the dsm sets our criteria for 10 personality disorders and these disorders are grouped into three clusters or categories.', 'experimental design', 'interpersonal relation ', ' extraneous variable ', 'group cohesiveness ', 'hallucinogen ', 'orientation ', 'perceptual set ', 'depressant ', ' proximal stimulus', 'attentional blink ', 'detection ', 'and while psychopathy falls under a particular personality disorder— antisocial personality disorder', 'exposure effect ', ' natural experiment', 'attached', 'discrimination ', 'sick', 'intimate distance ', 'independent group design', ' response', ' EGexperimental group', 'cartogram statistical induction ', 'declarative knowledge ', 'group polarization effect ', 'selfobservation', ' verbal report', 'mean ', 'these unhealthy traits can cause significant problems and limitations in relationships, social activities, work, school, and other situations.', 'negative priming ', 'accumulated frequency', 'psychology', 'method of constant stimulus', 'Confidence level ', 'versed', ' double blind experiment', ' method of minimal change', ' ROC curvereceiver operating characteristic curve', 'attribution', 'absolute value', 'schizoid personality disorder', 'controlled processing ', ' limit method', 'snowball effect ', ' lower difference threshold', 'selfconcept ', 'learning transfer
transfer of learning ', 'cohesiveness', ' hit', 'pedagogics ', 'embryonic stage ', 'reticular formation ', 'anterograde amnesia ', 'intentional', 'automatic processing ', ' yesno method', 'twofactor analysis of variance ', 'random variable ', ' simulation method', 'error of type I ', 'random error ', 'falls under', 'Sampling distribution ', 'negative transfer ', 'psychopath', 'modality effect ', 'pouring in process in instruction ', 'Hypothesis testing ', 'Histogram ', 'slow wave sleep ', 'interpersonal conflict ', 'the curve of forgetting Ebbinghaus', 'plateau phenomenon ', 'exceed', 'affirmative judgement', 'LTPlongterm potentiation', 'outstanding', 'random group design', 'fundamental attribution error ', 'upper difference threshold', 'Arithmetic mean ', 'stigma', 'Homogeneity of variance ', 'sustained attention ', ' independent variable', 'innate', 'limbic system', 'Standard error ', 'coefficient of variability coefficient of variation variation coefficient ', 'observational learning', 'perceptual constancy ', 'topown processing ', 'formal operational stage', ' response bias', 'otherrace effect ', 'retroactive inhibition ', 'halo effect ', 'instructional strategy ', 'insight learning ', 'stochastic variable ', 'Group difference ', 'melatonin', 'error of type II ', 'ttest t', 'global response ', 'random sampling ', 'fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging', 'even those who are well versed in psychological disorders like depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia may have a shallow understanding of personality disorders, which can contribute to the stigmas that are attached to them.', 'selfesteem ', 'Parameter estimation ', 'local response ', 'lie detector ', 'when something good comes into your life, is your first instinct to be suspicious of it?', ' frequency method', 'random ', ' method of expression', 'subliminal perception ', 'Mental Accounting ', 'cocktail effect ', 'sensorimotor stage', 'halo', 'anticipation error', 'alternative hypothesis', 'divided attention ', ' standard stimulus', ' quasiexperiment', ' method of adjustment', 'ascending series', 'The Gaslight Effect ', 'interval of uncertainty', 'identification ', 'Prosocial behavior ', 'systematic error ', ' equal interval variable', 'version', 'germinal stage ', 'Standard normal distribution ', 'ShiffrinSchneider ', 'positive transfer ', ' fractionation method', 'impression method', ' betweengroup design', 'Regression coefficient ', ' observational method', 'criteria', 'repressing', 'eccentric', 'Handson Inquiry Based Learning', 'data driven processing ', 'threshold', 'perceptual habit ', 'instinct', 'signal detection theory', 'EEG electroencephalogram', 'controlled variable', 'academic motivation ', 'lower limit', 'serial', ' method of abstract analysis', 'altruism ', 'cognitive capacity ', 'teachercentered approach ', ' isosensitivity curve', 'antisocial personality disorder', 'consolidation ', 'learning theory ', 'verbal report', 'Bar chart ', ' CGcontrol group', 'chisguare2test ', 'perception ', ' anticipation method', 'procedural knowledge ', 'Cross sectional design ', 'control', 'primacy effect ', ' method of equal interval', 'retrieval clue', ' matchedgroup design', ' simple reaction time', 'reverberatory circuit ', 'tdistribution t', 'bless', 'teaching strategy ', 'learning by discovery ', ' forcedchoice method', 'inattention blindness ', 'visual search ', 'Test of independence ', 'selective attention ', 'a quick crash course', 'biological rhythm', 'bottomup processing ', 'attention ', 'global precedence ', 'RTreaction time', 'imitative learning ', 'webbased instruction ', ' internal noise', 'Horizontal study ', ' signaltonoise distribution', 'Inferiority statistics ', 'unconsciousness ', 'questionnaire', 'fantasy ', 'schizotypal personality disorder', 'MEGmagnetoencephalography', 'inhibition of return ', 'Skips threshold effect/ Foot In The Door Effect ', 'Black Swan Events ', 'Rectangular histogram ', ' stimulus variable', 'JohnstonHeinz', 'mode ', ' interview method', 'Scatter plot ', 'mixed design', 'primacy impression ', ' method of magnitude estimation', 'false alarm', 'suspicious', 'Treisman attenuation theory', ' differential limen method', 'Coefficient of correlationcorrelation coefficient ', 'Longitudinal study ', ' selection time', 'sleep spindle ', 'orientating reflex ', 'stimulant ', 'teaching introductory psychology is one of the great- est challenges facing any academic psychologist.', 'preoperational stage ', 'correct rejection', 'reception learning ', 'serial position effect', ' biographical method', 'Confidence interval fiducial interval ', 'rote learning ', 'NIRSnear infrared spectroscopy', ' ordinal variable', 'rigid', 'rapid eye movement sleep REM', 'ranking method', 'insomnia ', 'pretend', 'proactive inhibition ', ' withingroup design', 'group decision making ', 'psychoactive ', 'Interval estimation ', 'Asch Experiment conformity herd ', 'daydream ', 'attribution bias ', 'random sample ', 'psychopathy', 'type error '} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:24][ INFO] -- 当前设置:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 0, 'selectedGroup': [['全部生词本'], []], 'deck': '复试-英语-B::各科::5-普心(前6章)', 'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******, 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:24][ INFO] -- 保存配置项:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 0, 'selectedGroup': [['全部生词本'], []], 'deck': '复试-英语-B::各科::5-普心(前6章)', 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True, 'credential': [{'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}, {'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}]} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:25][ INFO] -- Cookie有效 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:25][ INFO] -- 当前设置:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 0, 'selectedGroup': [['全部生词本'], []], 'deck': '复试-英语-B::各科::5-普心(前6章)', 'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******, 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:25][ INFO] -- 保存配置项:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 0, 'selectedGroup': [['全部生词本'], []], 'deck': '复试-英语-B::各科::5-普心(前6章)', 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True, 'credential': [{'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}, {'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}]} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:26][ INFO] -- Cookie有效 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:26][ INFO] -- 单词本分组:[('全部生词本', '-1'), ('复试--词句', '1668332892'), ('写作收集 精背', '1668332878'), ('初试--词句', '0'), ('备用', '1666400554'), ('作文频3+', '133108738044973397'), ('作文频2', '133108739080916680'), ('作文频1', '133108740552139893')] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:27][ INFO] -- 选中单词本['全部生词本'] - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:28][ INFO] -- 该分组(全部生词本--1)下共有18页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:28][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:1页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:28][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:2页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:28][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:3页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:28][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:28][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:4页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:28][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:28][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:5页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:28][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:28][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:6页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:28][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:28][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:7页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:29][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:29][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:8页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:29][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:29][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:9页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:29][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:29][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:10页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:29][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:29][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:11页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:29][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:29][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:12页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:29][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:29][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:13页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:29][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:29][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:14页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:15页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:16页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:17页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f全部生词本--1)第:18页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- 本地: {'otherrace effect ', 'retroactive inhibition ', 'Broadbent filter theory', 'melatonin', 'global response ', 'fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging', 'local response ', 'lie detector ', ' method of expression', 'subliminal perception ', 'neuronal loop ', 'divided attention ', 'identification ', 'PET positron emission tomography', 'ShiffrinSchneider ', 'consciousness ', 'Rapid Serial Visual Presentation', 'impression method', ' observational method', 'data driven processing ', 'perceptual habit ', 'EEG electroencephalogram', 'hallucinogen ', 'orientation ', 'perceptual set ', 'depressant ', ' method of abstract analysis', 'detection ', 'attentional blink ', 'cognitive capacity ', 'discrimination ', 'consolidation ', 'verbal report', ' anticipation method', 'perception ', 'retrieval clue', 'selfobservation', 'reverberatory circuit ', 'negative priming ', 'inattention blindness ', 'visual search ', 'selective attention ', 'biological rhythm', 'bottomup processing ', 'attention ', 'global precedence ', 'unconsciousness ', 'questionnaire', 'fantasy ', 'MEGmagnetoencephalography', 'inhibition of return ', 'controlled processing ', 'JohnstonHeinz', ' interview method', 'reticular formation ', 'anterograde amnesia ', 'automatic processing ', ' yesno method', ' simulation method', 'Treisman attenuation theory', 'modality effect ', 'sleep spindle ', 'orientating reflex ', 'stimulant ', 'serial position effect', ' biographical method', 'slow wave sleep ', 'the curve of forgetting Ebbinghaus', 'NIRSnear infrared spectroscopy', 'LTPlongterm potentiation', 'rapid eye movement sleep REM', 'proactive inhibition ', 'insomnia ', 'sustained attention ', 'psychoactive ', 'limbic system', 'daydream ', 'perceptual constancy ', 'topown processing '} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- 远程: set() - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- 待查: set() - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:30][ INFO] -- 待删: {'otherrace effect ', 'reverberatory circuit ', 'retroactive inhibition ', 'Broadbent filter theory', 'negative priming ', 'melatonin', 'global response ', 'fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging', 'inattention blindness ', 'visual search ', 'local response ', 'lie detector ', 'selective attention ', 'biological rhythm', 'bottomup processing ', ' method of expression', 'subliminal perception ', 'attention ', 'neuronal loop ', 'global precedence ', 'unconsciousness ', 'questionnaire', 'fantasy ', 'divided attention ', 'MEGmagnetoencephalography', 'identification ', 'inhibition of return ', 'controlled processing ', 'JohnstonHeinz', ' interview method', 'PET positron emission tomography', 'ShiffrinSchneider ', 'reticular formation ', 'consciousness ', 'Rapid Serial Visual Presentation', 'anterograde amnesia ', 'impression method', 'automatic processing ', ' observational method', ' yesno method', ' simulation method', 'data driven processing ', 'perceptual habit ', 'Treisman attenuation theory', 'EEG electroencephalogram', 'hallucinogen ', 'orientation ', 'perceptual set ', 'modality effect ', 'sleep spindle ', 'depressant ', 'orientating reflex ', 'stimulant ', ' method of abstract analysis', 'serial position effect', ' biographical method', 'detection ', 'attentional blink ', 'slow wave sleep ', 'the curve of forgetting Ebbinghaus', 'NIRSnear infrared spectroscopy', 'cognitive capacity ', 'LTPlongterm potentiation', 'rapid eye movement sleep REM', 'discrimination ', 'proactive inhibition ', 'insomnia ', 'consolidation ', 'sustained attention ', 'verbal report', ' anticipation method', 'perception ', 'psychoactive ', 'limbic system', 'daydream ', 'retrieval clue', 'perceptual constancy ', 'topown processing ', 'selfobservation'} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:32][ INFO] -- 当前设置:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 0, 'selectedGroup': [['全部生词本'], []], 'deck': '复试-英语-B::各科::5-普心(前6章)', 'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******, 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:32][ INFO] -- 保存配置项:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 0, 'selectedGroup': [['全部生词本'], []], 'deck': '复试-英语-B::各科::5-普心(前6章)', 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True, 'credential': [{'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}, {'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}]} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:33][ INFO] -- Cookie有效 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:33][ INFO] -- 当前设置:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 0, 'selectedGroup': [['全部生词本'], []], 'deck': '复试-英语-B::各科::5-普心(前6章)', 'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******, 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:33][ INFO] -- 保存配置项:{'selectedDict': 0, 'selectedApi': 0, 'selectedGroup': [['全部生词本'], []], 'deck': '复试-英语-B::各科::5-普心(前6章)', 'definition': True, 'sentence': True, 'image': True, 'phrase': True, 'AmEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPhonetic': True, 'BrEPron': False, 'AmEPron': False, 'noPron': True, 'credential': [{'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}, {'username': '', 'password': *******, 'cookie': *******}]} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:34][ INFO] -- Cookie有效 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:34][ INFO] -- 单词本分组:[('全部生词本', '-1'), ('复试--词句', '1668332892'), ('写作收集 精背', '1668332878'), ('初试--词句', '0'), ('备用', '1666400554'), ('作文频3+', '133108738044973397'), ('作文频2', '133108739080916680'), ('作文频1', '133108740552139893')] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:38][ INFO] -- 选中单词本['复试--词句'] - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:38][ INFO] -- 该分组(复试--词句-1668332892)下共有18页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:38][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:1页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:38][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:2页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:38][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:3页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:4页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:5页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:6页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:7页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:8页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:9页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:10页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:39][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:11页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:40][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:40][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:12页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:40][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:40][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:13页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:40][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:40][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:14页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:40][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:40][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:15页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:40][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:40][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:16页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:41][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:41][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:17页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:41][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:41][ INFO] -- 获取单词本(f复试--词句-1668332892)第:18页 - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:41][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:41][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:43][ INFO] -- [] - (dict2Anki.dictionary.eudict)
[20/03/2023 08:06:43][ INFO] -- 本地: {'otherrace effect ', 'retroactive inhibition ', 'Broadbent filter theory', 'melatonin', 'global response ', 'fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging', 'local response ', 'lie detector ', ' method of expression', 'subliminal perception ', 'neuronal loop ', 'divided attention ', 'identification ', 'PET positron emission tomography', 'ShiffrinSchneider ', 'consciousness ', 'Rapid Serial Visual Presentation', 'impression method', ' observational method', 'data driven processing ', 'perceptual habit ', 'EEG electroencephalogram', 'hallucinogen ', 'orientation ', 'perceptual set ', 'depressant ', ' method of abstract analysis', 'detection ', 'attentional blink ', 'cognitive capacity ', 'discrimination ', 'consolidation ', 'verbal report', ' anticipation method', 'perception ', 'retrieval clue', 'selfobservation', 'reverberatory circuit ', 'negative priming ', 'inattention blindness ', 'visual search ', 'selective attention ', 'biological rhythm', 'bottomup processing ', 'attention ', 'global precedence ', 'unconsciousness ', 'questionnaire', 'fantasy ', 'MEGmagnetoencephalography', 'inhibition of return ', 'controlled processing ', 'JohnstonHeinz', ' interview method', 'reticular formation ', 'anterograde amnesia ', 'automatic processing ', ' yesno method', ' simulation method', 'Treisman attenuation theory', 'modality effect ', 'sleep spindle ', 'orientating reflex ', 'stimulant ', 'serial position effect', ' biographical method', 'slow wave sleep ', 'the curve of forgetting Ebbinghaus', 'NIRSnear infrared spectroscopy', 'LTPlongterm potentiation', 'rapid eye movement sleep REM', 'proactive inhibition ', 'insomnia ', 'sustained attention ', 'psychoactive ', 'limbic system', 'daydream ', 'perceptual constancy ', 'topown processing '} - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:43][ INFO] -- 远程: set() - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:43][ INFO] -- 待查: set() - (dict2Anki)
[20/03/2023 08:06:43][ INFO] -- 待删: {'otherrace effect ', 'reverberatory circuit ', 'retroactive inhibition ', 'Broadbent filter theory', 'negative priming ', 'melatonin', 'global response ', 'fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging', 'inattention blindness ', 'visual search ', 'local response ', 'lie detector ', 'selective attention ', 'biological rhythm', 'bottomup processing ', ' method of expression', 'subliminal perception ', 'attention ', 'neuronal loop ', 'global precedence ', 'unconsciousness ', 'questionnaire', 'fantasy ', 'divided attention ', 'MEGmagnetoencephalography', 'identification ', 'inhibition of return ', 'controlled processing ', 'JohnstonHeinz', ' interview method', 'PET positron emission tomography', 'ShiffrinSchneider ', 'reticular formation ', 'consciousness ', 'Rapid Serial Visual Presentation', 'anterograde amnesia ', 'impression method', 'automatic processing ', ' observational method', ' yesno method', ' simulation method', 'data driven processing ', 'perceptual habit ', 'Treisman attenuation theory', 'EEG electroencephalogram', 'hallucinogen ', 'orientation ', 'perceptual set ', 'modality effect ', 'sleep spindle ', 'depressant ', 'orientating reflex ', 'stimulant ', ' method of abstract analysis', 'serial position effect', ' biographical method', 'detection ', 'attentional blink ', 'slow wave sleep ', 'the curve of forgetting Ebbinghaus', 'NIRSnear infrared spectroscopy', 'cognitive capacity ', 'LTPlongterm potentiation', 'rapid eye movement sleep REM', 'discrimination ', 'proactive inhibition ', 'insomnia ', 'consolidation ', 'sustained attention ', 'verbal report', ' anticipation method', 'perception ', 'psychoactive ', 'limbic system', 'daydream ', 'retrieval clue', 'perceptual constancy ', 'topown processing ', 'selfobservation'} - (dict2Anki)