
🔭 Search Dash.app from Neovim with Telescope. Built with Lua and Rust.

Primary LanguageLuaMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Build Lua Rust


Query Dash.app within Neovim with a Telescope picker!


Note: Dash is a Mac-only app, so you'll only find this plugin useful on Mac.


There are several ways to trigger the picker:

  • :Dash
  • :Telescope dash search
  • :lua require('dash').search()
  • :lua require('telescope').extensions.dash.search()

By default, triggering from filetypes configured in file_type_keywords in the config filter the Dash query based on the filetype. To do a single search without this filtering, you can use the bang (!) or pass true to the Lua function:

  • :Dash!
  • :Telescope dash search_no_filter
  • :lua require('dash').search(true)
  • :lua require('telescope').extensions.dash.search(true)

This plugin also adds filetype detection for Handlebars (.hbs files) in order to search the Handlebars docset.


Using Packer:

use({ 'mrjones2014/dash.nvim', requires = { 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' } })


dash.nvim can be configured in your Telescope config. Options and defaults are described below:

  extensions = {
    dash = {
      -- configure path to Dash.app if installed somewhere other than /Applications/Dash.app
      dash_app_path = '/Applications/Dash.app',
      -- debounce while typing, in milliseconds, defaults to 750 (0.75 seconds)
      debounce = 750,
      -- map filetype strings to the keywords you've configured for docsets in Dash
      -- setting to false will disable filtering by filetype for that filetype
      -- filetypes not included in this table will not filter the query by filetype
      -- check lua/dash/utils/config.lua to see all defaults
      -- the values you pass for file_type_keywords are merged with the defaults
      -- to disable filtering for all filetypes,
      -- set file_type_keywords = false
      file_type_keywords = {
        dashboard = false,
        NvimTree = false,
        TelescopePrompt = false,
        terminal = false,
        packer = false,
        -- a table of strings will search on multiple keywords
        javascript = { 'javascript', 'nodejs' },
        typescript = { 'typescript', 'javascript', 'nodejs' },
        typescriptreact = { 'typescript', 'javascript', 'react' },
        javascriptreact = { 'javascript', 'react' },
        -- you can also do a string, for example,
        -- bash = 'sh'

If you notice an issue with the default file_type_keywords or would like a new filetype added, please file an issue or submit a PR!


Git Hooks

If you plan on changing Rust code, you will need to install the git hooks via make install-hooks. The git hooks require you have a Rust toolchain installed. You can install a Rust toolchain from rustup.rs.

Running Tests

This uses busted, luassert (both through plenary.nvim) and matcher_combinators to define tests in spec/ directory. These dependencies are required only to run tests, that's why they are installed as git submodules.

To run tests, run make test. This runs tests in Neovim with a minimal profile, spec.vim. This runs Neovim with only this plugin, and the testing dependencies.

If you have entr(1) installed, you can run the tests in watch mode using make watch.

Code Style

Use snake_case for everything. Ensure you use EmmyLua Annotations for any public-facing API, and optionally for non-public functions, if the function is non-trivial or the types are not obvious. Other than that, running luacheck and stylua should cover it.