
[Packaging] Make Mega available as flatpak on FlatHub

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Hi. I searched your repositories to see where I should post this but I did not found my way, so please inform me where should I post this if this not suitable site.

Dear I would like to suggest on you to package your application OFFICIALLY as flatpak package on FlatHub so that it will be available for almost all Linux distros & users ...... Currently, you spent very hard efforts to make so many Linux packages for many distros like Debian, Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu, Arch, openSUSE, ........ Instead for that, you can build single universal Linux package by which you cover all these distros with much less efforts ......

Also, other point: flatpak package from FlatHub allow users to receive automatic update while current Linux package are all need manual installation & update, something not recommended by Linux users .....

Flatpak allow you to build your flatpak package as deterministic (reproducible) package so that can be compared byte to byte with the source code. Also, flatpak is sandbox package & very secure.

Thank you.