
Status of Camera Uploads being reset every time after the Android MEGA app update

archerindigo opened this issue · 5 comments

General Information

  • MEGA Version: 6.22.1

  • OS Version(s): Android 11

  • Devices/Simulators: Sony Xperia 1

  • Reproducible? (Yes/No): Only after app update to new version

What happened?

For the past 3 months, whenever the Android MEGA app got updated, the camera uploads status would be reset and all my photos and videos in my phone will be re-uploaded to the cloud again. It is very annoying as it takes days to re-sync everything and extra time for me to pull off the unwanted files from the cloud.

After the recent update to 6.22.1 (485), I was even being logged out and the camera uploads' settings were once again being reset to default.

What did you expect to happen?

The settings and sync status of camera uploads should retain and don't re-upload any media that was ever uploaded in the past

Hello, We appreciate your patience.

Can you please try the following and record the process for us so that we can see exactly what is going on on your device?

Please do the following:

  • register a new test MEGA account (free)
  • grab another Android phone (oe borrow one from a friend)
  • go to and grab and install the APK for version 476 or 482.
  • get Camera uploads to run
  • THEN either update from the Play Store to latest version OR install a higher version (482 or 487) from that folder
  • See if Camera Uploads re-uploads again.


@SJai-mega These steps are quite troubling. Is it possible to reproduce from your side?

The MEGA app just updated from 6.22.2 to 7.0. Right after the update through play store, the secondary upload folder changed. Luckily the sync status wasn't being reset.

Before update:


After update:


Hello again, Just to confirm are you still facing the issue with the latest version of our Android app?

Currently on 7.2. No issue encountered in this upgrade.