
feature request: Support for markdown files

Airthee opened this issue · 1 comments


It would be great if we had the markdown file support.

I think we could improve the .txt editor, by creating two tabs (only for .md files):

  • Write: allow the user to edit the file content using the markdown syntaxe. It's displayed like the .txt file content. Maybe we could add a little of coloration to make the difference between different elements...
  • Preview: allow the user to render the .md file. The content is converted in html format.

Exactly like the Github editor I'm writing in !



If you think it's a good idea, it would be an honor if I could do it myself (I will certainly need a little help finding the right files).


Thanks @Airthee for the suggestion.

I will pass this suggestion to our roadmap planning to be aligned with other things we have 🙂

Thanks again.