
Did you give up on Firefox?

dwa opened this issue · 7 comments

dwa commented

Extension hasn't been updated since September 2 (v 4.2.1), and the link to install it (on Firefox) seems to have been removed from Hope it's just an oversight.

Apologies for inconvenience, Mozilla stopped being able to sign Extensions in a timely manner. Now they require 4+ week to review and sign extensions. With us releasing a new version almost every week, our Firefox extension cant be up to date with the system version anymore.

We are trying to resolve this issue with Mozilla, until then it was decided to remove it from our web-site to avoid offering out dated extensions.

You can still use our Chrome/Edge Extensions which are always up to date with the system.


dwa commented

Thanks, I do appreciate your answer. Let's hope you and Mozilla can resolve this issue soon as I like MEGA.

As I'm quite reluctant to switch to a browser from a non-privacy respecting company (just to access my privacy respecting cloud storage): Am I better off removing the old extension and access MEGA directly? (or should I keep using the old extension)?

Hello, you can still access MEGA on Firefox without an extension for now. Thank you.

what about downloding huge files then? hah. about 2 or 3gb...

How about providing an xpi file on release page of web-extension repo?

I cloned the repo and updated the submodule, then in firefox I loaded menifest.json in "load temporary extension" as per the readme instructions. However it only shows a blank white page. The secureboot.js is not being loaded for some reason.

I tried asking this on reddit, but support just downvoted me and pasted a generic reply without even reading it.

@Abhinav1217 Sorry to hear about your bad Reddit experience.

Try opening the index.html file and replace src="/secureboot.js" by src="secureboot.js"

We do have a onBeforeRequest() handler that should take care of the redirection, but either that stopped working recently or perhaps you changed the version tag at the manifest file which is required for that to take action.

Also, if some resource files does fail to load you may need to open the web-console and enter localStorage.useBootStaticPath=1;location.reload()

Hope that helps, and we will consider providing packages, thanks!

I agree that providing an XPI for manual install is the way to go. Another popular extension I use, ProWritingAid, does the same thing.