
Script doesn't detect terminal when run from pipe

lukas-w opened this issue · 4 comments

The extraction script checks for a terminal using tty -s which tests whether standard input is connected to a terminal:

if tty -s; then # Do we have a terminal?

However, when the script is run from a pipe via e.g. cat | sh, this test fails and a new terminal is opened even when already in one. A better way to test this may be [ -t 1 ] which tests standard output instead.

A possible use-case exposing this bug is running a downloaded script installer such as curl -sS | sh.

Thanks for this. As is often the case, I'm always trying to preserve backwards compatibility so I wonder if your [ -t 1 ] might be a bash-ism. tty is a standard Unix command that can be reasonably assumed to be available even on legacy systems.

However test -t 1 might be a good enough alternative here.

Hi, @lukas-w ,
Did cat | sh or curl -sS | shwork for you? I meet an error: #320

It does, but our is a small wrapper script that downloads the actual .run installer and then runs it. Maybe this is the reason we're not seeing the error you're getting.