why the output is 900 while DETR is 100
lucasjinreal opened this issue · 3 comments
lucasjinreal commented
tangjiuqi097 commented
It is normal as we use 300 anchor points and 3 patterns for each anchor point. You can refer to our paper for the motivation.
lucasjinreal commented
@tangjiuqi097 Does 900 output effect speed? If using 100 anchor for 3 pattern what will happen on the performance?
tangjiuqi097 commented
@jinfagang Increasing the number of queries will of course affect the speed, but it is not very significant. The performances of them are 44.3AP (300x3) vs. 43.4AP (100x3) while the cost time on 2080ti with torchscript is 0.059s (300x3) vs. 0.056s (100x3).