
Latch Gadget

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the use case:

A common scenario when vulnerability hunting or reverse engineering is to come across some opaque string that you want to modify. So you may need to decode the string first (which may take multiple steps), then you want to edit the string, and then re-encode it (going through the same steps in reverse). It possible to set up a chain of steps that go through decoding and then re-encoding, but there is currently no way to edit a value in the middle of a transformation change.

Describe the solution you'd like to see:

A special type of input gadget that has an input port and a "latch" button. A user can edit the buffer at will. When the latch button is clicked, the data on the input port button overwrites the input's edit buffer.

Describe the alternatives:

The way I work around this right now is by creating two inputs and copy/pasting from the last decode step into the second input. The "latch" gadget would just be an elegant way to copy/paste into an input gadget.

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