
rust-ini version mismatch in github code and

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In the Cargo.toml file the required version for the dependency library rust-ini is 0.20.0:

rust-ini = { version = "0.20", optional = true }

However, in the page and when downloading the package, the required version is 0.19.0:


We are getting some workflows errors due to outdated packages that rust-ini v0.19.0 uses (because when using the config-rs version from, we get the v0.19.0 in the dependency instead of 0.20.0)

config 0.14.0 is released with rust-ini 0.19. What you see is the unreleased version on the master branch.

Once the next release of the config crate happens, the latest rust-ini version will be in the dependencies (0.20 as of now, but 0.21 is already out there, so I guess dependabot will PR the update soon).

@matthiasbeyer Okay, it makes sense, didn't think about it in that way.

Thank you so much for answering Matthias :)

I am gonna close this as it really is not the issue. Feel free to reopen if you like to object! 😄