
Split request data from request and add a split method to context to make re-using context easier

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Handlers are currently of the form: (Context) -> _

This is logically equivalent to: (State, Request, Data) -> _

When reading request data, we consume the entire context.

I'd like to see the following be possible:

let (state, request, data) = context.split();
  • Rename Context::body to Context::data
  • Add shio::Data (replacing shio::request::Body)
  • Extract shio::State out of shio::Context
  • Add Context::split Context::deconstruct

Perhaps split or Data are the wrong words here. Suggestions welcome.

I think we shouldn't rename Context::body to Context::data, because we talk about the body of the request.
Also, I think Context::split should be

let (handle, state, request, body) = context.split();

Note the handle. Futhermore, the body is already into request, so we need to have a Request::split()
that split the body from the remaining (http version, uri, method & headers).

If we have to name this, I propose to follow hyper here, and use Context::deconstruct() instead of Context::split().

I think we shouldn't rename Context::body to Context::data, because we talk about the body of the request.

The argument still works the other way: "request data" vs "request body". The former arguably being more clear to newcomers. As Data is a universal term to mean, well, data. On the other hand, Body, is a HTTP specific term that then needs further explanation.

Also, I think Context::split should be [...]

Good catch. I did forget about the poor handle.

Futhermore, the body is already into request [...]

It's in the Request object currently. An example from an existing web framework, Rocket currently separates a Request from its Data.

If we have to name this, I propose to follow hyper here, and use Context::deconstruct() instead of Context::split().

Note that deconstruct is part of Hyper 0.11. Hyper 0.12 will be using http and will have into_parts.

My current thoughts are:

  • shio::Request should be a wrapper around http::request::Parts
  • shio::Data should be a futures::Stream that will wrap hyper::Body
  • shio::Context should have a deconstruct method that returns: (handle, state, request, data). into_parts seems specifically named for http's naming.

For naming "data" vs "body", you're right. I haven't a preference.
The rest is OK for me.