
Scope: Can this tool sign transactions? If not, is there a recommended tool for signing transactions?

UntaggedLady opened this issue · 7 comments

I need to generate, sign and broadcast transactions around 5+ different chains. As far as key management and address generation goes, this library appears to be perfect. Is anyone aware of a complementary tool that allows for signing and broadcasting transactions?

Would generating and signing transactions be within the scope of future development of this project?


This project looks perfect and all thanks to meherett. Is there any way to sign and broadcast a transactions? Please I'll need reliable source.

In the upcoming v3.0.0 package, I will add sign transactions for at least 5 cryptocurrencies.

In the upcoming v3.0.0 package, I will add sign transactions for at least 5 cryptocurrencies.

Thanks so much. This really gladens my heart and I really look forward to it... I am a big fan of your project! Please keep up the good work ♥️

Please any update on signing transactions yet?
got some otherrt tools but I'd love to use Python hd wallet. Any help?

Any update on this? I want to sent some transactions on flux. I'd be happy to write the code for this if I could see some other currencies to figure it out. Cheers

@meherett please add the roadmap for these items:

  1. sign message for signature and verification
  2. boardcast signed tx to any rpc