
Unable to install on Linux

gabriellovate opened this issue · 3 comments

I was not able to install and run the program on Linux. Maybe you could provide a more thorough documentation on the subject?

Hey @gabriellovate - thanks for giving this a spin. 💯 agree that I need to provide a thorough documentation, I'll do that as soon as I can find some spare time.

Could you detail what have you tried so far, and what distro/version of Linux are you using, so I can investigate?

I was able to run the linux package on an Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS on (WSL) environment after giving full access rights to the executable:

sudo chmod 777 ./todo
./todo --help


However, I found out that the authentication logic does not support non-windows platforms since it uses Windows DPAPI's ProtectedData.Protect and ProtectedData.Unprotect APIs. This is not supported outside windows (see dotnet/runtime#22886)

On a side note, I found that the package also depends on xdg-utils since the authentication logic tries to open up a browser window. May need to add alternative ways to authenticate (e.g. if there's no desktop environment...)

Thanks for reporting this!

I guess it's currently impossible to use ProtectData to store secure information locally, right? I think this is vital for some kind of applications. For instance, I'm developing a tool that logs to a SSH server. In order to make it more productive, credentials are caches so the user doesn't need to provide them every time. I need a way to store this sensitive data. ProtectedData is the only way I've found, but it's Windows-only.