

pupnewfster opened this issue · 18 comments

It would be great for V10 if we added advancements for Mekanism (and the other modules). This issue provides a common place to collect ideas for various advancements.

-Create a full suit of meka suit armor
-create a mekatool
-make a antimatter pellet
-form a (x multiblock) (include all mutiblocks)
-extended vein mine obsidian

  • travel from the overworld, to the nether then from the nether to the end

"Not great, not terrible" - Hidden advancement for dying of radiation poisoning
"NIF Pioneer" - Run a pulsed fusion reactor with net negative power generation (count if there's one or two tick pulses and trigger at 10 (also hidden)
"ITER or JET have nothing on this" - Run a fusion reactor with positive power generation
"Does not use neutrinos" - Fully speed upgrade a Solar Neutron Activator
"Unstable Fuel Storage, May Decay" - Create some tritium and store at least 100B in a dynamic tank

As far as some simple advancements for the game. Not sure if there is a "list" of set in stone advancements but in terms of using them as a form of progression...

"The Ultimate Tool" - Craft a Paxel.
"A Metallur-what?" - Craft a Metallurgic Infuser"
[Making each type of alloy in a chain of advancements]
-Use redstone and iron in a metallurgic infuser as the "tip"
"Industrial Revolution" - Produce Steel
"2 for 1/ 3 for 1/ 4 for 1/ 5 for 1" - Produce an ore dust / Produce an Ore Clump / Produce an Ore Shard / Produce an Ore Crystal (adding in the correct machine to hint at the process making such as "Produce an ore dust with a Crusher" and so forth" [Or some form of advancement for Ore Doubling to Ore Quintupling]
"Separator" - Craft an Electrolytic Separator /separate something (water into Hydrogen/Oxygen)
"Infuser" - Craft an Chemical Infuser / combine two things to get something new (Cholrine/Hydrogen) [these both could be 2 advancements. first craft the machine then do the action/make it work, but that could be redundant]
"Thermal Evaporator" - Build the Thermal Evaporation Plant multiblock struture
[I see previously a note to make an achievement for all Multiblock ones]
"Brinecraft" - Produce Brine
"Can I make a battery?" - Produce Lithium
"Not a spear" - Produce Tritium
[Chain of Advancements] Thermal Evaporator -> Brinecraft -> Can I Make a battery? -> Not a spear
"Periodic table of gases" - Produce sulfuric acid? [In a chain of event advancements, this could be the follow up to the "5 for 1" achievement leading to Ore Quintupling]
Some "tabs" could be Ore Production/ Machine Making/ Thermal Evaporator/ Steam Power
Steam Power could be about making the Thermoelectric boiler and the Steam Turbine.

I'm not really up-to-date with the things in V10 so I will just list ones for things I know already:

"Man's best metal" - Mine some Osmium.
"Paving the road to greatness" - Craft a metallurgic infuser
"The alloy that started it all" - Infuse iron with some redstone.
"Getting more from less" - Craft an enrichment chamber

“Power of a Star” activate a fusion reactor

"Fusion Reactor wasn't enough..." - Run a 18x18x18 Industial Turbine

chain of advancements:
"Basic Ore Processing" - Craft an Enrichment Chamber
"Advanced Ore Processing" - Craft a Purification Chamber, a Crusher and an Electrolytic Separator
"Elite Ore Processing" - Make a Thermal Evaporation Plant, craft a Chemical Infuser and a Chemical Injection Chamber
"Ultimate Ore Processing" Craft a Chemical Oxidizer, a Rotary Condensentrator, a Chemical Dissolution Chamber, a Chemical Washer and a Chemical Crystallizer

"Pretty big energy storage" - Make an Inudction Matrix
"Mining digitally" - Craft a Digital Miner
"Your first energy" - Craft a Heat Generator
"Better than iron" - Make some steel using Metallurgic Infuser

what is my purpose
craft a robit into a digital miner

Really like Silfryi's ideas.

QoL advancements tab?
small things like upgrading cable with the relevant alloy = an advancement
with separate advancements for the other cables through a manual craft

How about "Now with <x> times more ores!" for <x> ore processing? Also I think there should be advancements for:

  • Upgrading a machine into a factory
  • Crafting each tier of control circuit or alloy
  • Making a heat generator
  • Making steel

Whatever you do, "Not great, not terrible" is a MUST.

"Now you're cooking with gas!"- build a gas burning generator
"The factory must grow" - Upgrade a block to its factory variant
"Hot stuff!"- Build a resistive heater
"Waste of resources"- put an energy upgrade in an electrolytic separator
"Master of the atom"- build a nuclear fission reactor and a nuclear fusion reactor
"An enriching experience"- Craft and use an enrichment chamber
"Too slow!"- put 8 speed upgrades into a single machine
"Mmm, crunchy"- Create a control circuit
"Not fit for human consumption"- Produce some yellowcake

Beam me up scotty, Build and use a teleporter
Chernobyl 2.0, Blow up an 18x18x18 fission reactor
Can really taste the radiation, get radiation poisoning

'Well that was a bad idea...'

  • Create an antimatter block and place it down

There isn't an antimatter block in Mekanism..?

I know that. But… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

"Mekanism is a farming mod" - harvest a melon or pumpkin with a laser tractor beam

It’s you and me against the world.
Craft and place a Robit

I feel scammed…
Obtain an ingot of any mekanism ore

Double or nothing.
Obtain a dust of any ore

One two three…what rhymes with three?
Obtain a clump of any ore

One two, buckle my shoe.
Three four, quadruple my ore.
Obtain a shard of any ore

Quintupling is quintessential.
Obtain a crystal of any ore

This alloy is pretty wealthy.
Craft an enriched alloy

This just goes to show: add a diamond to something to make it better.
Craft a reinforced alloy

We are in the endgame now boys.
Craft an atomic alloy

GPU not included.
Craft a control circuit

Not enough RAM!
Craft an advanced control circuit

Such nobility!
Craft an elite control circuit

Cool, now where’s my supercomputer?
Craft an ultimate control circuit

1.19 will include a lot of advancements. I am going to leave this open in case anyone else has other ideas and because as of the moment we don't have a good way of handling advancements for multiblocks, so we just don't have any.