Example on signing PDF
Opened this issue · 6 comments
I need a complete example on signing a PDF, just like what is exhibited by http://portablesigner.sourceforge.net/ Thanks for your help!
The code examples you provided do not sign the PDF.
Would you have (or anyone) a complete sample of signing a PDF with pfx (and adding a new sign) using podofo in Linux?
Hi all.
Maybe use https://github.com/intoolswetrust/jsignpdf ?
That is Java. Not suitable to run in embedded systems not to mention security concerns.
I have python code to sign the PDF tested some time ago that works nice on PC but is a bit slow, i would like one with C++ or even strait C for fast signing.
I am willing to pay a beer (or lots of) or a small fee for the brave one to implement or finish the SignTest to really sign the PDF with a pfx certificate.
@zvezdochiot , I will try that and see what I get.Thanks