
New domain needed for Queue

Closed this issue · 2 comments

With the Queue module now something that is part of refapp 3.x, we need to support setting up Queues with Initializer.

This should be a new csv-loadable domain, with the standard metadata columns (uuid, name, void/retire, etc) as well as columns for location and service.

For now, QueueRoom can remain out of scope, though assuming this remains in the data model, this is likely something we want to support via additional columns on the queue csv, rather than in a separate domain.

@mks-d / @Ruhanga / @ibacher - FYI and please add any thoughts.

New PR issued here:

@mks-d / @Ruhanga / @ibacher / @rbuisson - anyone that has a moment to give this a review and help get this merged in soonish would be appreciated.

Thanks @Ruhanga - yes, the validator passes (see github action results). I'm merging this based on your review, but happy to address any comments post-commit from others. Thanks!