SecureToken Vitamio token (secureTokenResponse)
Closed this issue · 1 comments
MythodeaLoL commented
Please add suport for token on project and update to last vitamio version
path = "rtmp://";
options = new HashMap<String, String>();
options.put("rtmp_app", "live");
options.put("rtmp_swfurl", "");
options.put("rtmp_playpath", "bigbuckbunny");
options.put("rtmp_pageurl", "");
options.put("token", "fg5ASTACK_d8g#$#!@");
options.put("rtmp_token", "fg5AAf4gd8g#$#!@");
Or other, but add support for secureTokenResponse.
On flash is called:"secureTokenResponse", null, TEA.decrypt(, "fg5ASTACK_d8g#$#!@"));
Tks man. Good project, but need upgrade. Waiting reply.
MythodeaLoL commented
Solved, closed.