
Generates images to overlay google maps, it is usefull when you need to plot a large amount of data to a map

Primary LanguageJava


Generates images to overlay google maps, it is usefull when you need to plot a large amount of data to a map

##Quick Guide

First, make sure you have the file emptyTile.png in the same folder of your project JAR.

Then implement a custom MapGenerator as described below.

And make it run

new MyCustomMapGenerator().run();

Wait something about 30 minutes or less, it depends how much data do you have.

the file name patter will be (tileX)x(tileY)-(tileZoom).png (example: 8x10-4.png)

After generating images you need to load them as described in this link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/maptypes#CustomMapTypes

##Implementing a MapGenerator

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import mlk.mapgenerator.draw.PointPlotter;
import mlk.mapgenerator.scructure.Location;
import mlk.mapgenerator.scructure.PointInMap;
import mlk.mapgenerator.main.MapGenerator;

public class MyCustomMapGenerator extends MapGenerator{


    public List<PointInMap> getPointsInArea(double minLat, double minLng, double maxLat, double maxLng) {
        //here you should return the points in the area specified in params
        //this method will be invoked many times with different coords
        List<PointInMap> response = new LinkedList<PointInMap>();
        float weight = 0.5F; //0 to 1 represents the color of the point
        response.add(new PointInMap(new Location(-21.534847,-43.914001), weight));
        return response;

    public String getFolder() {
        return "path/of/folder/to/save"; //ends without bar
    //for better performance tell the total area

    public double getMinLng() {
        return -21.534847; 

    public double getMaxLng() {
        return -21.534847;

    public double getMinLat() {
        return -43.914001;

    public double getMaxLat() {
        return -43.914001;
    //constructor (I put it in the end because it is not necessary)
    public MyCustomMapGenerator() {
        //only necessary if you want customize your plotter
        plotter = new PointPlotter(GradientMaker.make(Color.GREEN, Color.BLACK)); //weight 0: green; weight 1: black

##How it looks like Ex1 Ex2 Ex3 Ex4 Ex5