
Save States Dont Seem To Work

Closed this issue · 10 comments


The save states seem to be greyed out and unclickable. Ive tested in Atari lynx, 2600 and GB and all have the same issue. Im using the latest release.

Save states work fine for me with most cores so far except for stella (atari2600) core. With some games the emulator crash when i use save states. I use the same version.

Can you confirm if you're unable to save states when hardcore mode is disabled? Thanks

meleu commented

I'm not sure if you guys are talking specifically about loading/saving states via menu, but I use it intensively via shortcuts and they work just fine.

In hardcore mode you just dont get any message unlike the other RA emus when you try to use save states. I use quick saves too but with some games on stella core eg. Dark Chambers or Dragonstomper the emulator crash when i use save states.
ralibretro crash

Are the crashes 100% reproducible for some games? Are you able to reliably work with states with other games?

The crash occur just for these two games so far when you try to use save states but the games seems to be playable. Some other games i tried i was able to use save states without any problem.
Something else that i've noticed now is that the "Dark Chambers" give me the crash report i mentioned above while the "Dragonstomper" give me a different crash report for fault module name
ralibretro crash .
I dont know if these crashes have anything to do with the emulator or with the roms but since i've never had before similar crashes with roms on the other cores i wanted to mention it in case the problem is on the emu side.

My Issue was because I had hardcore mode on. It would we nice if there a message like the official emulators saying to turn off hardcore mode to be able to use a save state.

Is this still an issue?

The issue i mentioned probably has to do with the core since it crash for both games with either RALiberto or RetroArch.

@Altomar79 thanks, I've opened an issue for the Stella libretro core.