
Consider using code formatters like `black`, `ruff` or `isort` to format code base

Yevgnen opened this issue · 6 comments

The title says it all...

Good formatted code base also makes contribution easier and helps keeping consistence.

Hi @Yevgnen ,
Thank you for your suggestion, we are just adding "black" as a code formatter.

Hey @Yevgnen ,
Thank you again for your suggestion.
We've just merged a new pr which has "black" formatter.
Now, we would be really appreciated for your contribution.

@melih-unsal Great and thanks! Would you also consider adding tools like isort to format the imports?

@Yevgnen great idea, it will also happen like the black formatter.
Let me work on it.

Hi @Yevgnen , isort is also merged.
Thank you again!
