
Finds the n_th root of a rational or complex number using Newton's method

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


Finds the n_th root of a rational or complex number using Newton's method:

Matlab / Octave implementation of a root finding algorithm using Newton's method. Given a number x and an a root n, the code returns the nth root of the given number. Both the number and the root can be fractional and/or negative.

A negative root inverts the base. For instance -7th root of 128 is 1/2 since (1/2)^-7 = 2^7 = 128

The code can handle complex numbers and even powers of negative numbers as well, unlike Matlab's built-in nthroot function:



Additional examples:

>> findRoot(-128,7)

ans =


>> findRoot(128,-7)

ans =


>> 5^2.357

ans =


>> findRoot(ans,2.357)

ans =


>> findRoot(-1,2)

ans =

   6.12323399573677e-17 +                     1i

>> findRoot(-1,4)

ans =

      0.707106781186548 +     0.707106781186547i

>> findRoot(-81,4)

ans =

       2.12132034355967 +      2.12132034355967i

>> findRoot(-27,3)

ans =
