
Easily add external or internal links to a dataobject with a dialog form

Primary LanguagePHP

SilverStripe Linkable




This module contains a couple of handy FormFields / DataObjects for managing external and internal links on DataObjects, including oEmbed links.

Link / LinkField

A Link Object can be linked to a URL or, an internal Page or File in the SilverStripe instance. A DataObject, such as a Page can have many Link objects managed with a grid field, or one Link managed with LinkField.

Example usage

class Page extends SiteTree{
	static $has_one = array(
		'Link' => 'Link'

	public function getCMSFields(){
		$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
		$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Link', LinkField::create('LinkID', 'Link to page or file'));


In your template, you can render the links anchor tag with


Or roll your own tag, making sure that the url is set first to avoid broken links

<% if $Link.LinkURL %>
	<a href="$Link.LinkURL" $Link.TargetAttr>$Link.Title</a>
<% end_if %>


Use the EmbeddedObject/Field to easily add oEmbed content to a DataObject or Page.

Example usage

class Page extends SiteTree{
	static $has_one = array(
		'Video' => 'EmbeddedObject'

	public function getCMSFields(){
		$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
		$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Video', EmbeddedObjectField::create('Video', 'Video from oEmbed URL', $this->Video()));


In your template, you can render the object with the name of the has_one relation


You can also access other metadata on the object via


See EmbeddedObject.php for a list of properties saved available in $db.