
need update 1.7.0

fiskerface opened this issue · 2 comments

  • [commendations not working anymore]

  • [report-system changed too?]
    do u need to bot while you are ingame now?
    after the match ends botting with matchID is not working anymore?
    I had a guy aiming threw walls in hvh, he did what is needed for OW ban..(he aimed threw walls and followd enemys movment with his xhair 100% OW.. ) I tried him 2 times in 24hours
    the game I botted him 2x with matchID could not had been gone into OW-system..

maybe he reached his reports a game before and had a free game? valve sux so hard :(

  • [I have a problem installin from source and my victimTracker gets loaded to late in 1.6.1 (binary)]

Titan the one and only <3 🥇

faunX commented

Yesterday I reportbottet 2 Guys with 11 Reports each who were obviously hacking, 1 hour later they got Banned.

maybe my enemy was lucky and he was in ow the game before

my problem now is that my first account in index cant connect and my bot will only send 10 reports out of 11

[20:48:58 DEBUG] GC - XXXXXXXXXXX (Unprotected) 1 - Successfully initialized account object for "XXXXXXXXXXX".
[20:49:16 DEBUG] GC - XXXXXXXXXXX (Unprotected) 81 - Successfully connected to Steam. Logging in...
[20:49:16 DEBUG] GC - XXXXXXXXXXX (Unprotected) 81 - Logging in with Login ID: 1061849681
[20:49:16 DEBUG] GC - XXXXXXXXXXX (Unprotected) 81 - Successfully connected to Steam. Logging in...
[20:49:16 DEBUG] GC - XXXXXXXXXXX (Unprotected) 81 - Logging in with Login ID: 3565087489
[20:49:16 DEBUG] GC - XXXXXXXXXXX (Unprotected) 81 - Successfully disconnected from Steam.
[20:49:16 DEBUG] GC - XXXXXXXXXXX (Unprotected) 81 - Successfully disconnected from Steam.
[20:49:29 INFORMATION] ThreadManager 12 - SUCCESS! Titan has successfully sent 10 out of 11 reports to target XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.