
Code and materials for the Hydra Workshop (August 18, 2020). Part of the CUNY Tech Prep Hackathon 2020.


Code and materials for a Hydra Workshop (August 18, 2020). Part of the CUNY Tech Prep Hackathon 2020.

About Hydra

Hydra is an open source platform for live coding visuals created by Olivia Jack.

Materials for Workshop

Table of Contents

  • Getting Started + Sources
  • Modifying Sources
  • Global Variables
  • Working with Multiple Outputs
  • Webcam as a Source
  • Feedback Loops
  • Audioreactivity
  • Bonus Source: Movie/Image

Two Ways of Using Hydra

1. Using a Web Browser: https://hydra.ojack.xyz/

  • Pros: Easy to start/use
  • Cons: Can't save work/notes easily

2. Using Atom

  • Download/install Atom
  • Install Hydra inside of Atom

How to install Hydra in Atom:

  • Open Preferences
  • Click Install on left sidebar
  • Search for "atom-hydra" using search bar and click install
  • Restart atom editor



General Live Coding