
ajax-chosen with ASP.NET MVC

cmjacques opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to use ajax-chosen with in ASP.NET MVC3.

Normally I 'stringify' my data (using JSON.stringify from json2.js) before posting it so that ASP.NET can understand it.

I can't see any way of controlling how the data is posted to the server. Is there a way to stringify the data?


I worked it out - you can use dataCallback to massage the data before the ajax request happens.

For example:

dataCallback: function (data) {
    return typeof data != 'string'
        ? JSON.stringify(data)
        : data;

To avoid stringifying the data multiple times, I first check if it has already been stringified by checking its' type. Stinfigied data is of type string.

Great plugin - keep up the good work!