
./scripts/ errors and need endless manually install package with --legacy-peer-deps

ddgg opened this issue · 2 comments

ddgg commented

npm error /home/me/projects/ml/melty/extensions/spectacular/node_modules/esbuild/install.js:130
npm error throw new Error(Expected ${JSON.stringify("0.16.17")} but got ${JSON.stringify(stdout)});
npm error ^
npm error
npm error Error: Expected "0.16.17" but got "0.23.0"
npm error at validateBinaryVersion (/home/me/projects/ml/melty/extensions/spectacular/node_modules/esbuild/install.js:130:11)
npm error at /home/me/projects/ml/melty/extensions/spectacular/node_modules/esbuild/install.js:283:5
npm error
npm error Node.js v20.17.0

and Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@radix-ui/react-slot' and I need install dependencies manually

609 npm install --legacy-peer-deps posthog-js
611 npm install --legacy-peer-deps anthropic-ai
614 npm install --legacy-peer-deps anthropic-ai/sdk
615 npm install --legacy-peer-deps @anthropic-ai/sdk
618 npm install --legacy-peer-deps rewire
620 npm install --legacy-peer-deps react-scripts
622 npm install --legacy-peer-deps react
624 npm install --legacy-peer-deps react-dom
626 npm install --legacy-peer-deps diff2html
628 npm install --legacy-peer-deps react-router-dom
630 npm install --legacy-peer-deps react-syntax-highlighter
632 npm install --legacy-peer-deps lucide-react
634 npm install --legacy-peer-deps react-window
636 npm install --legacy-peer-deps fuse.js
638 npm install --legacy-peer-deps class-variance-authority

and I did not continue

ddgg commented

I'm still getting the same errors, is it possible you share your build environment like linux distro and version if you are using linux? I'm using arch and it might be the problem.
EDIT: found the, only extra thing is run "npm install esbuild@0.16.17" and it's working now

Thanks for troubleshooting @ddgg! I would think esbuild would be installed automatically because it's listed in dev dependencies. In any case, glad it worked!