Invalid value for '--due-date' / '--deadline': 'tomorrow' does not match the formats '%Y-%m-%d', '%d-%m-%Y'.
melvio opened this issue · 5 comments
melvio commented
hopla add todo --checklist "stetho 04-10-2021"
Usage: hopla add todo [OPTIONS] [TODO_NAME]
Try 'hopla add todo -h' for help.
Error: Invalid value for '--due-date' / '--deadline': 'tomorrow' does not match the formats '%Y-%m-%d', '%d-%m-%Y'.
melvio commented
$ hopla version
melvio commented
This works fine though:
hopla add todo --tomorrow --checklist "stetho 04-10-2021"
melvio commented
reverted the addition of --tomorrow and --today. Released v0.0.21
melvio commented
Revert probably was not needed. This is likely culprit:
export HOPLA_ADD_TODO_DUE_DATE=tomorrow
melvio commented
Was a local issue. --tomorrow and --today work again for everyone