
Not able to build with Xcode 12

shireesh1993 opened this issue · 6 comments

Screenshot 2020-11-02 at 12 32 48 PM

Please let me know how can I fix this .

I have tried few ways to get rid of like keychain Login lock and Unlock ,Updating the pods,Updating the cocoa pods but found no luck .

I've the same issue here. Any updates?!! @melvitax

Did anyone find the solution yet?

How are you guys installing DateHelper? I've been running in Xcode 12 since the beta with no issues. I haven't updated Cocoapods in a few versions and plan to deprecated in the next release. Please use Swift Package Manager or Carthage.

@melvitax Why not support CocoaPods? Just simple as it is.

And one more question
ISO8601DateFormatter this formatter is available in iOS 10. But your framework is support iOS 9. 👀

Cocoapods is now. considered legacy. I'm including a "if #available(iOS 10.0" check for picking the right date formatter.

Well. noted..