
Thermostat Project

Summarize the project and what problem it was solving.

The project was to create a way to monitor the devices tempurature, output the data to the UART, and modify the max device temperature based on the devices buttons.

What did you do particularly well?

I feel I did well in the loop that detects the button press and that modifies the max temp value

Where could you improve?

With this project, I'm not too sure. I would like to request feedback from anyone looking at this repo.

If I was to guess, I believe my overall understanding of Embedded Systems needs to be improved. I find that Zybooks does not teach well and tends to get overwhelming and confusing quickly

What tools and/or resources are you adding to your support network?

I'll add CCS and my basic understanding of embedded systems. This class has tought me a lot about the importance of the size of the data and optimizing my code.

What skills from this project will be particularly transferable to other projects and/or course work?

My overall undrestanding of embedded systems and how to use C++ to code in a small and optimized way

How did you make this project maintainable, readable, and adaptable?

I used modular coding where possible. This means I used functions and local variables.

UART Project

Summarize the project and what problem it was solving.

The project was to create a way to use the UART to output and input data

What did you do particularly well?

I feel I did well with the switch case statement and memory management

Where could you improve?

I feel using a modular approach would be ideal over using all the code within the loop.

What tools and/or resources are you adding to your support network?

The reading - Zybooks - assisted a lot with this project.

What skills from this project will be particularly transferable to other projects and/or course work?

A skill that I have yet to master is slowing down, remebering what I read, and going to be use that information. This project tought me to re-read and be sure I understand what I'm reading.

How did you make this project maintainable, readable, and adaptable?

I formatted the code in a way that made it easier to read. I use ////// to seperate sections of the code.