
For files regarding CS255

This repository is for my college course CS-255 at SNHU. This is not a real client.


Briefly summarize the DriverPass project. Who was the client? What type of system did they want you to design?

DriverPass was a project to create a system that would allow upcoming drivers to take practice tests online, see profile information, as well as schedule road time with a driver. The client was a company called DriverPass, they wanted to created a website that would allow in training drivers to prepare for their paper and road test.

What did you do particularly well?

I feel that I overall did quite well on the project itself. If I was to choose one aspect of the project, I would say that choosing the requirements to build the system went well. I personally have a background in planning and building systems, as it was part of one of my past IT job duties.

If you could choose one part of your work on these documents to revise, what would you pick? How would you improve it?

I wwould go through and revise the "system design document", specifically the "technical requirements" part of the document. I know that I could do better when choosing the requirements of the system, as well as rewrite that entire section. I fell it is not my best work in terms of how it is writem.

How did you interpret the user’s needs and implement them into your system design? Why is it so important to consider the user’s needs when designing?

I took what I know about IT infrastructure and web development and applied it the the project. Assuming "user" means "end user" and not DriverPass, understanding what the user will need to access can help with what UI elements are created, and can help with what objects support the actions executed by those UI elements. The entire system is interconneted and having an understanding of every aspect will ensure a stable product and experience.

How do you approach designing software? What techniques or strategies would you use in the future to analyze and design a system?

I start by creating a visual representation of the UI of the software. From here I create what supports those UI elements, and then fill in the rest from there. The techniques I use are to print out the requirements, cirlce key information, then draw the UI. I then use the other information in the requirements to choose what is needed for the backend.