
The return of "Show a loading gif while the exhibit isn't downloaded yet"

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Feature Request

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
The users can't know that a marker is recognized before the Object is loaded. This affects users especially when the Internet connection is slow and/or the Object has a big file size.

Describe the solution you'd like
Show gif that makes it clear to users that the marker was recognized and that the image is being downloaded (a "loading" animation).

Describe alternatives you've considered
Showing a general "loading" animation on the screen until all content is downloaded to the user's device.

Additional context
This issue was created in 2020 and wasn't merged with the development branch. Check: #313

@eddie-gomes and I were trying to solve this issue but whe saw that the best approach is implement the show loading logic inside of the library ar-gif because all the gif logif is inside of it.

I think we could try contribute improving the AR-GIF. Do you think this is possible?