
problem to run Jandig ARte

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug
Cannot run Jandig ARte

To reproduce the bug
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Clone this Repo
  2. Navigate to "/Janding/src/.envs"
  3. Create a ".env" file
  4. Copy the content of ".example" and paste in ".env"
  5. Navigate to "/Janding"
  6. Run docker-compose passing the docker-compose.yml

Expected behavior
Jandig ARte server would run at localhost.

Screen captures
Captura de tela 2022-02-03 184231
Captura de tela 2022-02-03 184346

Please, tell us which device/browser (with versions) are used when finding the bug:

  • OS: [Windows 11, Ubuntu 20.04]
  • Browser: [ex.: Chrome 91.0.4472.114]

Any update about this issue @eddie-gomes ?


@GustavoAPS suggested that We try to run the command docker build before run docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up, and with these additional step the project runs, but without any visual resource (Image 1)

A code maintainer told us that if We change the env DEV_STATIC to "True", the resources should load, but when We change the value of the env var to True We got another error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'whitenoise'.

@sudjoao There are still two problems relevant to run the project after this step, the databse will give you an error about migrations and as you said the visual resources are missing.


@GustavoAPS suggested that We try to run the command docker build before run docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up, and with these additional step the project runs, but without any visual resource (Image 1) image

A code maintainer told us that if We change the env DEV_STATIC to "True", the resources should load, but when We change the value of the env var to True We got another error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'whitenoise'.

To run JandigARte, before all these steps we need change the '.env' file in "src/.envs", adding something in "DJANGO_SECRET_KEY" (i.e.: '123')

To solve the backend issue with migrations do the following:
1 - Run the container.
2 - Open a new terminal and list the containers with "docker ps"
3 - Enter the project container with "docker exec -it docker_django_1 bash"
4 - Inside the container make the migrations with: "python3 src/ARte/ migrate"
5 - After the migrations the problem is solved as you can see in the below.


Another problem encountered was:
Screenshot from 2022-03-03 15-48-04
To solve this problem, the dependency "markupsafe == 2.0.1" was inserted in requiriments.txt