
Mobile Usability issues

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug

Google Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 2 Mobile Usability issues:

  • Text too small to read
  • Viewport not set

Fixing these issues will enable the best experience and coverage in Google Search.

Additional Information

Below there's an extract of the Google Mobile Usability Report with the description of the issues found.

Text too small to read
A significant portion of the text on the page is too small relative to the width of the page. This makes the text hard to read on a mobile device. Look at the test screenshot for your device to try to identify the problematic text.

To fix: Specify a viewport for your web pages and set all your font sizes to scale properly within the viewport, so the text will be visible on a device screen. Read more about best practices for font size.

Viewport not set
The page does not define a viewport property, which tells browsers how to adjust the page’s dimension and scaling to suit the screen size.

To fix: Because visitors to your site use a variety of devices with varying screen sizes—from large desktop monitors, to tablets and small smartphones—your pages should specify a viewport using the meta viewport tag. Learn more in Responsive Web Design Basics.

Hi! I was looking forward solving this issue, but apparently it's already solved. The meta viewport tag is already set and it's using the width=device-width and initial-scale=1 as suggested in Responsive Web Design Basics.

According to Google Search Console, the problem still persists. It is on

This change might take a while to be released in production and Google detect it as fixed, but the change is already merged in our development branch now!