
Select users from the e-mail list to receive an invitation to moderated interviews

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I prioritized the list in a scale from 1 to 5. 1 meaning we should send the email in the first batch, 5 in the last (or never).

The criteria I used are:

  • Is the person a developer? Reason: developers have a biased view of the platform, so they're not priority.
  • Is the person active on Jandig community? Reason: someone who's active is more likely to attend to an interview.
  • Is the email address from a country other than Brazil? Reason: since the majority of users are from Brazil, to create a standard, we'll focus on Brazilian users.

@glendamacedodesigner, do this criteria make sense to you? Do you want to add or remove a criteria?

@glendamacedodesigner , since the list has sensitive information (emails addresses), I won't link it here. I sent it directly to you email.

Sure, it makes sense for sure. Developers can have some other bias in this field due to the technical knowledge. I think the same as you about the criteria to select the participants as well. All good. @vjpixel