
Failed to download liquibase-snowflake

ovaluiskyi opened this issue · 1 comments

Pyliquibase 2.0.12 throws an error on any command

Downloading java lib: to /Home/Documents/Projects/my_project/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyliquibase/liquibase-4.21.1/lib/liquibase-snowflake-4.21.1.jar
Failed to download
Failed to download Liquibase extension: liquibase-snowflake-4.21.1

It happens because snowflake is now supported directly by the liquibase project.

I have also two questions

  1. Why pyliquibase downloads liquibase-bigquery and liquibase-redshift by default? They can be downloaded via 'download_additional_java_library' method only if needed
  2. What is the purpose of jdbc-drivers folder? This folder adds 65 MB of extra space to each docker image

it should be just a log message. i cannot reproduce exception locally. warning could better log level for that.

it is coming from initial earlier code. agree its best remove them and leave it to enduser to download the libs.

jdbc-drivers is used to keep jdbc driver libaries. it is also coming with earlier setup. this libraries too should be removed, and be left to enduser to download. i believe its adding Bigquery and other jdbc drivers. so far i didn't delete them to keep backward compatible.

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