
How to do bilinear gradient?

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How to draw bilinear gradient?


just came here to say: this image is incredible.
does it appear as if it's moving when looking around to anyone else??

🤣 🤣 🤣 I do not know whatcha taking 'bout man. what actually TF?

Just do 2 linear gradients?

And how to combine them to 1 geometry?

They wont be 1 geometry--Why do they need to be?

Because every geometry is a draw call. Why to have 2 draw calls?

I highly doubt this will be the bottleneck in your application. AFAIK NanoVG doesn't support bilinear gradients, so you're stuck with your 2 drawcalls 🤷‍♂

I was hoping that someone would know how to modify nanovg to support bilinear gradient.