
This a dummy working Django-REST-Framework project to use for learning purposes. The application is an exercise based on a local development required by a French Python's Developer curriculum (Openclassroom)

Primary LanguagePython

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OpenClassRoom - Parcours développeur Python


Projet 10 - Créer une API sécurisée RESTful en utilisant Django REST

Project description

Develop an opened access RESTful API which permits to supervise issues from 4 thematics: front-end, back-end, Android, or iOS.
For each thematic you create a Project. For each ones, users can create issues and comments (as long as they are part of a project).
So main features :
      - be able to create projetcs
      - add /remove user(s) from a specific project
      -,allow users to create issues and comments
      - endpoints which allows the dialog with the API


Introduce all endpoints using Postman
Quickly describe the code and how you manage to respect OWASP and RGPD guidelines.
Introduce to a Postmand's API doc.
Implement a dependency manager, example: pipenv or poetry.

Competencies assessed

- Create API RESTful with Django REST.
- Securing an API with full respect of OWASP and RGPD guidelines.
- Document an application through Postman.

How works this project ?

This REST API has a JWT tokens authentication mechanism implemented.
When you log to the application you will receive 2 tokens: an access one and a refresh one.
You will have to add the "access token" as a header in all your requests. Postman API documentation is below.

We set the "access token" with a 15 minutes lifetime validity. You will have to refresh your "access token".
Procedure to refresh it is describe below (as well in Postman API documentation).
Notice the application will prompt you when the token has expired.
The Postman API Doc should answer to any question about the basic usage.

Pay attention to the 'projects' and issues life cycles.
A 'project' can have the following status: Open, Archived, Canceled.
If you DELETE a 'project', as an author, which has no issues : 'project' will have status Canceled.
If you DELETE a 'project', as an author, which has at least 1 issue : 'project' will have status Archived.
Once project is archived or canceled, it can no more be updated or re-opened.

An issue can have the following status: To Do, In Progress, Finished.
Once project is finished, it can no more be updated or re-opened.

How use this project ?

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/memphis-tools/oc_projet10_rest_framework.git

    cd oc_projet10_rest_framework

  2. Setup a virtualenv : 2 possibilities offered here.

    2.1 Legacy (you create your venv, source it and then install project's dependencies)

    python -m venv env

    source env/bin/activate

    pip install -U pip

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    2.2 Poetry (you use poetry as a dependencie manager and as a venv builder)


    This implies that you already have a Python interpreter and download the poetry package on your local machine: pip install poetry

    poetry config cache-dir ./.cache/pypoetry --local

    poetry config virtualenvs.prompt oc_projet10

    poetry install

    poetry update

    source $(poetry env info --path)/bin/activate

  3. Start the application : 2 possibilities offered here.

    3.1 Start the application from scratch, run successively

    python ./manage.py makemigrations

    python ./manage.py migrate

    Create a super user: python ./manage.py shell by following these instructions :

     >>> from authentication.models import User
     >>> username="admin"
     >>> email="admin@localhost"
     >>> password="applepie94"
     >>> User.objects.create_superuser(username, email, password, birthdate="0001-01-01", general_cnil_approvement=True)

    python ./manage.py runserver

    3.2 Populate a development dummy database and then start the application

    Notice the 3 dummy users username: donald.duck, daisy.duck, loulou.duck. Default password is: applepie94

    python ./manage.py init_app_softdesk

    python ./manage.py runserver

  4. Refresh your "access token"

    To refresh, you just need to add a request POST to "token/refresh/" endpoint addressing your "refresh token".

    You will then receive a new "access token". Please follow examples in the Postman API documentation.

  5. Read the postman API documentation



    All run in a development environment


  6. Test the project

    To facilitate tests without updating the ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME in settings file, you can use these instructions.

    You will need first to create a virtual-env (with 'venv' or 'poetry') as describe above. Then:



    python ./manage.py makemigrations

    python ./manage.py migrate

    Before execute any test you should pay attention to the pytest.ini file.

    To execute all the tests: pytest tests -v or pytest tests -vs

    To execute specific tests: pytest -v tests/test_users.py, pytest -v tests/test_projects.py, pytest -v tests/test_issues.py, pytest -v tests/test_comments.py

    Once you ran it, unset the DJANGO_ENVIRONMENT